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Presentation Skills

Whether presenting to a full auditorium, around a conference table, or 1-1,  your goal is to speak with confidence, presence, and maximum impact.

You will learn how to:

  • Establish credibility & connect with audiences

        in large/small, formal/informal settings 

  • Handle those nerves

  • Organize your content

  • Control audience Q&A’s

  • Enhance your verbal and non-verbal communication skills

  • Practice Zoom skills to maximize audience engagement and participation

Format of One-On-One Coaching: 

   - Receive pre-work to plan for an upcoming talk

   - Coaching may include one or several sessions for maximum practice and feedback

   - Presentations will be recorded for review and critique

   - Work on real-time upcoming presentations and keep video recordings for future reference


"Great presentation skills!  Fabulous interpersonal skills!"


"I have worked with Betsy for years as a volunteer.  She is a terrific instructor for both adults and high school students.  Her specialty is presentation and interviewing skills. She has an interactive and engaging presentation style, and gets positive reviews from her students. " 


- Louisa Ho, 2018




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